My dog has been with me for over a year now and he still barks…

My dog has been with me for over a year now and he still barks and growls at my family. He sometimes lunges too. What can I do? He’s also terrified of everything. But he loves me. Im out of ideas. Please help.

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8 years ago

Sounds like he barks and lunges because he’s terrified of everything. I would start by reading “Guide To Living With & Training A Fearful Dog”

You will need to come up with a plan to build his confidence, increase his comfort zone with things, and in the meantime, give him space and manage his environment and situations he’s exposed to.

Anne Springer
Anne Springer
8 years ago

Great advice from Jana. Also, the author of that book, Debbie Jacobs, has a Facebook group called “Fearful Dogs” where you can get lots of support from experienced pro’s as well as chatting with other people who live with fearful dogs.