How do I stop my cat peeing and pooping outside the box?! I have tried…

How do I stop my cat peeing and pooping outside the box?! I have tried everything! enzyme cleaners, scents he doesnt like, different litters, moving boxes, no medical conditions! He used to use the littler when younger but now wont! help!!!

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Sonya Payr
Sonya Payr
9 years ago

He was at the vet not more than a month ago, we had him desexed at that time and he had a full check up! He’s been doing it since before the vet as well. Asking the vet, they only suggested the things we’ve tried. Moving the boxes, Urine off, different litters, different placement :C he doesnt like minty smells or lavender so we put that scent on the places he likes to go.

No UTI’s or any unusual stresses for him…

Hes such a lovely cat otherwise, very loving and playful

Sonya Payr
Sonya Payr
9 years ago

Thanks for all the help guys!

Ill keep trying :c I hope its nothing serious. We’ve scheduled another vet appointment and Ill try changing his diet! I just assumed the food was good because he loved it!

Ill let everyone know how it goes 🙂

9 years ago

are you absolutely sure this isn’t a medical issue?  when was his last checkup at the vet?

Glynis Sakowicz
Glynis Sakowicz
9 years ago

In my experience, that usually means one of two things. I have a very ‘neat’ cat. If the litter isn’t totally clean, he would register his complaint by pooping just in front of the box as if to say, “I refuse to use an unclean box!” I have also seen cats who are in multiple cat, or cat and dog homes to feel ‘trapped’ in their box and very nervous about using it. In that situation, I moved the box to a more open area, and made sure the cat had an area where the dogs couldn’t reach him. Once… Read more »