When I straighten my dogs front paw she cries out in pain and tries to…

When I straighten my dogs front paw she cries out in pain and tries to keep me from touching her paw again. However when I was feeling her bones she had no reaction and I felt no difference when compared to the other paw. Sometimes she limps and other times she’s fine, even has the energy to chase after me and play. I’m really worried because she’s a small 2 year old 4 lb. Yorkshire Terrier and when she cries out in pain it sounds like she’s screaming.

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Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
9 years ago

It sounds to me that she needs to see a vet, if nothing else, a vet could prescribe pain medicine to make your dog more comfortable.

Good Luck

Dr Dawn

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Yes take her to a Vet….there is obviously something going on with her foot that needs investigating.