since last night I’m detecting this strong odor around Cookie; seems it’s coming from urine…

since last night I’m detecting this strong odor around Cookie; seems it’s coming from urine (as I detect it when I sniff stains on her pee pads as well when sniffing around her rear end. It is strong enough that I caught a whiff even as she just walked pass me.

Here is the thing – it is strong but not really a stink and not anything I’ve ever smelled before which I’d know what it might be. Smells kind of sweet and the closes thing I can compare it to is the way my hair spray used to smell like (back when I still had hair and was using hair spray) when particles dried and mixed with dust.

That is very confusing and I don’t know what to make of that. I imagine infection would have BAD odor whether bacterial or yeast …? I don’t want to just assume it might be from the meds as assumption is the mother of all f*** ups. Friend’s dog was on chemo so when her urine reeked they assumed it was from the chemo. Meanwhile it was a massive UTI and went under the radar until the dog exploded with blood from her bladder. (potty accidents and other issues were chalked up to the original issue the dog had, massive brain and brain stem inflammation).

So I don’t want to make the same mistake and assume one of the meds are behind the smell when something else could be going on.


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9 years ago

honestly…i would get a vet involved.  sometimes they can identify a malady based on the smell, but they’d want to do further diagnostics.

9 years ago

has she been tested for diabetes?

9 years ago

weird. good luck figuring it out!