I am a university student that lives with family. I do live in a flat…

I am a university student that lives with family. I do live in a flat in their yard, but they have a fairly big yard so size isn’t a problem. I am however away from the house from 06:15 the morning till sometimes past 18:00. I am an animal lover and been very lonely since leaving my house to study, because I grew up with a lot of dogs. Is there any pet, preferably dog big or small, that can adapt to these conditions and that does not mind a good amount of loving as I am very attached to my pets.

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6 years ago

I think that any dog that is with a loving human will adapt to its living situation. The only thing is that it seems like it will be alone for long periods of the day., and it isn’t your house. Have you spoken to the family that you are living with about this and gotten their approval? Perhaps you can find a way to spend more time with it, or bring it with you or maybe the family that you are with can provide companionship when you are not around? Another nice option if you don’t currently have the means… Read more »

6 years ago

I would not keep a dog in that particular situation unless your family agrees to take care of him when you aren’t there. Maybe a cat is a better option? Or simply waiting until you aren’t in school with a crazy schedule, instead. Think of the animal’s needs, not your desires.