I have a long haired Syrian hamster, she loves to play at night when she…

I have a long haired Syrian hamster, she loves to play at night when she wakes up, but the thing is I have to get to bed at 9:30, and that’s about the time that she wakes up, sometimes she’s so crazy that I can’t even go to sleep since she’s biting the cage door and going coo-coo! I do play with her in the morning but that doesn’t seem to help. Any suggestions? P.S>- One time she got so crazy that she broke the cage and escaped, I found her sleeping in the corner of the bathroom the next morning, I got so scared and sad for her, because that means she REALLY wants to play. What should I do?

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Angelina Wu
Angelina Wu
8 years ago

Thank you so much, it helped a lot. I will give her tender loving care, I really enjoy playing with her.

Angelina Wu
Angelina Wu
8 years ago

Sometimes I just let her roam around on the floor because, just like you said I don’t want to drop her since my sister had a hamster before and the hamster died because she dropped it on the floor and broke her back :(:(

Angelina Wu
Angelina Wu
8 years ago

Thanks so much!

Angelina Wu
Angelina Wu
8 years ago

By the way I really enjoy using Pawbly, it’s a great free place where everybody can share their thoughts, thanks for creating it!

Angelina Wu
Angelina Wu
8 years ago

Yes, we have to care about animals too!
Thanks you too, take care! Talk to you soon!