My husband and I were discussing making our own dog food. Our dogs are currently…

My husband and I were discussing making our own dog food. Our dogs are currently eating dry Whole Earth Farms grain free kibble. Sometimes we add in whole Earth Farms grain free wet food in the evenings. We were wondering if switching to homemade food is a good idea and if so how much do we feed our dogs? Our dogs are 60-80 pounds each.

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Margrit Simons
Margrit Simons
9 years ago

Here is a great recipe for home made dog food from Dr. Stanley Coren at UBC. I made it for my dogs and they loved it (until I got to be too lazy). You can look it up on this website : /recipe3

Anna K
Anna K
9 years ago

I would consider BARF diet

9 years ago

Hi Amanda, that is a good question, isn’t it? And the answer depends on whom you ask. Some might tell you, yes, definitely, others will shout out, OMG please don’t do that. Here is how it is with food, whether for ourselves of for our dogs. The best food you can offer is– biologically appropriate (there are arguments about what is or isn’t biologically appropriate for dogs)– as fresh and wholesome you can offer (some argue that ingredients don’t matter only nutrients matter; well both do matter)– as little processed as possible– with as little stuffs that don’t belong into… Read more »