Hello, I adopted my dog, a Pittbull Terrier mix, from a shelter this weekend and…

Hello, I adopted my dog, a Pittbull Terrier mix, from a shelter this weekend and they did not tell me what she was being fed. I have not been able to reach them and she has been experiencing loose stool, at times it firms up a bit but today it was particularly soft. I did some research and it said that I should have gradually switched her diet over to avoid such an issue. Apart from this she is happy and very active and shows no issues.

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Anna Mwaba
Anna Mwaba
9 years ago

Thank you very much for answering my question. I will take her to see the vet as soon as possible this week for a full check up because she is currently eating Hill’s Ideal Balance that was recommended by a pet nutritionist at PetSmart so I was a little worried it may have been too sudden a change from what she was eating before.