She is 8 years old and does not go outside except to use the bathroom…

She is 8 years old and does not go outside except to use the bathroom. She is now at the point where she has just little squirts when she goes. The problem is she is sqirting all over my house and on my bed last night. She can’t seem to be able to control it. What could be the matter, and what should I do to help her?

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Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

At this point I am concerned she is dehydrated and think she needs to see a vet immediately!  There are many reasons for diarrhea and the cause could be anything from ingesting something she shouldn’t to something infectious and really everything in between.  

She really needs to see a vet, please get her into see one ASAP!

Good Luck

Dr D

Marena Jade
Marena Jade
8 years ago

There is a chance that is Addison’s disease look it up your dog has many symptoms I would think your dog needs a vet to diagnose

Marena Jade
Marena Jade
8 years ago

My dog has Addison’s and he had the same starting symptoms. Is she a white coat? If so white dog shaker syndrome is also a possibility at this point.