In tears over a feral cat that I recently trapped for tnrv; At the vet…

In tears over a feral cat that I recently trapped for tnrv; At the vet, a rectal/anal prolapse was repaired. After release , I noticed it has the prolapse is back. He appears gaunt and dying; Hes untrappable at this point because he’s afraid of the trap. Will he slowly die in front of me day by day? Is he sufferring? in pain? Or will he die rapidly from this condition? Without a dart gun, hes untrappable. I thought the vet would have euthanized him to stop his suffering, but I’m at a loss at what I can do. The vet said to bring him in as soon as possible; but he’s Feral for God’s sake! You don’t get a second chance to trap a feral cat. Once bitten twice shy. Help! any ideas? Kristen Magnifico directed me here. Shes so compassionate. Thank u all!!!

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello. I’m sorry about your kitty. I hope you can figure out some way to get him back to the vet. These cases are so frustrating. And often heart breaking. But I applaud you and your vet for trying. They all deserve a chance and a compassionate friend to look after them. Best of luck

Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

You’re so welcome!! Stand strong and know that you are doing amazing really important work. And that you aren’t alone.

5 years ago

Hi –
I’m so sorry you have to watch this going on. Is there any way you think you could get a larger trap and sort of attempt to camoflauge it? My thinking is, if the trap is bigger, there is more room and the cat may not expect the same thing. And I wouldn’t skip on the bait fir sure… ham, tuna…something super smelly and tasty so that the cat can’t resist. I hope this helps.