Could you tell me why my dog is not eating but she is drinking.weeing a…

Could you tell me why my dog is not eating but she is drinking.weeing a lot.her sides appear to be going bald as well.plz help

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Ashley Connor
Ashley Connor
9 years ago

She is roughly 9-10 yrs old and sorry but what do u mean by bloodwork

Ashley Connor
Ashley Connor
9 years ago

She also has a little diarreah.I am taking her to vets tomorrow but would like an idea of what to expect it to be.

Ashley Connor
Ashley Connor
9 years ago

Thank you for your help much appreciated

9 years ago

i mean your vet takes blood from your dog (this should be done annually) and screened for any abnormalities which would indicate illness.

if you haven’t had this done in the past 6 months, i’d get it done today.

9 years ago

i would be concerned about her thyroid, depending on age and breed.  when was her last bloodwork?

9 years ago

my concern was mentioned in my first comment. this sounds like hypothyroid. asuming that’s what it is, it can be managed with drugs. but a senior blood panel is a necessary annual thing.