The vet was waiting for our puppies to be picked up and that’s why Maya…

The vet was waiting for our puppies to be picked up and that’s why Maya was not in her kennel when a mailman came in through the back door, allowing her to run out.

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PK Dennis
PK Dennis
9 years ago

Sorry for your loss – at the very least you should have a conversation with your vet to find out what steps will be take that this happens to no other dog in the future (installing a gated area at that back door for example).  

Debra Broccardi
Debra Broccardi
9 years ago

That is horrible! I can’t imagine how that must feel. My heart is breaking for you just reading your question. Two points I think you should consider. This may help you or hinder you, depending on your answers…but may help you with your direction. 1. Was Maya their patient at the time of the escape? 2. Did you bring Maya in with you to have the puppies examined or “picked up”? (I am not sure what this means). The point I would think you should consider is that if Maya was their patient and it was during a visit, which… Read more »