14 year old 20lb Terrier – looks like Benji– has a growth/tumor somewhere in the…

14 year old 20lb Terrier – looks like Benji– has a growth/tumor somewhere in the stomach area- pushing on the spleen and intestines. He started having accidents in the house a few weeks ago– went to our vet — took x-ray — our Dandy has strong desire for food and water. Stomach is puffy. Lost his desire to walk much and when he does he is not 100% sure of himself. Is taking a Selegiline pill once a day. I guess because he is eating and drinking that is a positive of some degree. What can we do med wise or food wise to make his days left with us the best for him?

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Tom Kochendorfer
Tom Kochendorfer
6 years ago

Hi Dr. Magnifico — what do you need to know?

Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

I’m sorry but there isn’t enough information here to help me understand what has been diagnosed and how to proceed. Please ask your vet to guide you.