She had a vet appointment in June and was fine.

She had a vet appointment in June and was fine.

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Brenda Patacca
Brenda Patacca
9 years ago

Hello, thanks for the response. Both are female and both are fixed. There have been no changes, but Maya has had to have surgery due to the last two fights they were in. I have had them separated more lately, and monitored when they are together because Nala (the three year old) just goes to Maya (my 11 year old) Tower over her then attacks.

Brenda Patacca
Brenda Patacca
9 years ago

Any recommendations would so greatly be appreciated. I love these dogs so much, but can’t risk another surgery to my 11 year old.

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
9 years ago

You need the help of a behaviorist.  Someone that comes into your home that can see what triggers the terrier to attack the larger dog, etc.  They will cost a lot less than more surgery! There is not much we can offer in this situation with not being able to see what is going on.  When terriers feel that their leader is not in control they can become very aggressive and try to take control themselves.  I suspect this is what is happening.  The larger dog is aging, you are not in control, and a vacuum has been created in… Read more »

Diedra Cardamone
9 years ago

Can we have some more information – are both dogs fixed, male or female and have there been any changes in the household or in your pets individually?