My dog tested Elisa test positive for Giardia with no cysts seen. She has no…

My dog tested Elisa test positive for Giardia with no cysts seen. She has no symptoms. Does she need to be treated and can she give it to us? Thanks.

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7 years ago

I researched some and I do not believe that humans can catch from dogs… at least I haven’t found anywhere saying that it is possible. I would make sure to wash my hands thoroughly and you could always call your vets’ office to double check and make sure.

Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

Typically I only treat if this is causing diarrhea, or was found in an immunocompromised individual. I have never seen it be passed to humans from pets. Ask your vet to provide you better guidance for your pets test results. That is what they are there for.