Hi, and thank you for free advice. My vet isn’t available. Our 16 yr. old…

Hi, and thank you for free advice. My vet isn’t available. Our 16 yr. old female cat was just diagnosed with kidney/renal issues. Changed her food and she appears to be improving. Teeth cleaning needed, never been done and breath is bad, but her condition too compromised to be put under/stress so maybe BRUSHING would help? OR Dental Fresh Original Water: Stabilized Chlorine Dioxide.0.1%, Stabilized with Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda). What if any action is best? blood results attached.

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Anne McLaughlin
Anne McLaughlin
7 years ago

Yes, blood work only, attached on first question but here it is. ALB 3.0 ALP 122 ALT 224 AMY 1136 TBL 0.2 BUN 46 CA 9.2 PHOS 15.1 CRE 1.9 GLU 90 NA+ 147 K+ 4.2 TP 8.3 GLOB 5.4. Vet said blood sugar and heart rate good. Now eating renal/kidney specific food as per vet. She loves it. Since then, not drinking so much water and so much urine as before, but still drinking, eating. Phosphate binder? no. My vet had shoulder surgery, not available presently. Will find out. Also giving a pinch of collagen powder. My hope is… Read more »

Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

I am sorry to hear about your kitty. Has the vet talked to you about a full blood work panel and a urinalysis? Checking blood pressure? starting fluid therapy? and a phosphate binder? I would probably start here and discuss a dental down the road after her numbers stabilize. If possible I always recommend seeing a feline specialist or internal medicine specialist or making an appointment with your vet to come up with a treatment plan for her now.
I hope this helps.
good luck!
Please let us know how she is doing