There’s a fresh looking red rash that’s puffy under my chihuahuas armpit, does anyone know…

There’s a fresh looking red rash that’s puffy under my chihuahuas armpit, does anyone know anything that it could be?

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Derek Rose
Derek Rose
8 years ago

Not sure what the cause is but it’s certainly a rash. I recommend putting raw egg and or coconut oil in its food as well as applying coconut oil on the rash.

Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

In most cases these are some kind of skin irritation. I often see it associated with a harness. But I think a trip to the vet for a topical ointment and a medicated shampoo might help it resolve much faster than your current treatment plan. Start at the vets with an exam and monitor your dog for other areas that might indicate a larger issue.
Good luck