Hello, Recently (today) we had brought our 2 year old pit mix to the vet. He…

Recently (today) we had brought our 2 year old pit mix to the vet. He currently has ear infections in both ears. We were prescribed pills for the swelling, ear drops and ear wash. The pills are the easy part… the hard part is cleaning his ears. I know I am doing it right because of another animal we have that had ear infections. We have tried treats, sitting with him and going slow. But there is just no stopping the biting and the whining. I know it must suck for him and I’m going easy with him. Is there any more suggestions to help calm him down so I can wash his ears? Thanks..

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Brittany Mullens
Brittany Mullens
8 years ago

Update: thank you for the advice. I asked the vet today and she gave us a topical. Also the swelling of his ears has gone down significantly. Which definitly helps with the process of cleaning… I have washed his ears before and I do with the other dogs because I knew if one had ear infections it’s possible for the others to be prone (they are siblings). I think it was just because of the pain factor. We still go super slow with him and try to keep him as calm as possible. But so far so good! Thank you… Read more »

Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

Hello, For some dogs this is very difficult because the ears are painful. For others it is fraught with anxiety due to associated fear and for some they were just never conditioned to not be afraid of ear (also applies to nail trimming). For the immediate care you could ask about a product like Osurnia. A long lasting topical. But you have to get him used to having his ears cleaned as he is predisposed to other ear infections. Ask your vet for tips on how to hold and clean the ears and try to always make it a quick… Read more »