took are one year old cat in to see the vet because he could not urinate. …

took are one year old cat in to see the vet because he could not urinate. On exame the vet drew fluid and did a ultrasound. There was blood in the urine and the ultrasound showed some indications of foreign bodies but not crystals. She gave us Clavamox a antibiotic, prazosin for inflammation and Buprenorphine for pain all was ok for two weeks then are cat Leo was back in trouble again with not urinating . Same m.o. , and she told us about the PU surgery, or leaving him there for a few days while they but a catheter in him to reestablish his bladder function. My question is this, we feed are cat raw food that we make from chicken livers and hearts with bone ground up for fiber . Leo drinks lots of water so we are wondering why this is recurring in such a young male cat that is a outdoor cat . Is there something we are missing in Leos care or prevention of this problem . love your videos on youtube and saw the cat being unblocked with a catheter, wish we could do that at home.

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello, I think that this is an excellent question to ask your vet. I don’t know enough about Your car to answer this. I c an say that in some cases we never know why some cats have issues while others do not. In my personal experience I have found that I see this most commonly in indoor only, overweight, sedentary cats who are being fed a poor quality dry food. It doesn’t sound like a lot of this criteria is consistent with your cat but please talk to your vet. If possible I would love to have you add… Read more »