Someone left their jack russell terrier (Jaz) on my street two days ago and I…

Someone left their jack russell terrier (Jaz) on my street two days ago and I took her in. I currently have a 5 year old pitbull mixed with a chihuaha(Taco) taco is little bit bigger than Jaz. Every time Jaz sees taco Jaz snaps and growls at her. We give them both attention I don’t think it’s a dominance or jealousy issue because taco doesn’t fight back, Jaz would wait for taco to be vulnerable and then try and bite her. For example today we took them both walking both were fine and we both went inside and taco looks at me not paying attention to Jaz and then jaz tried to bite Tacos leg. Taco stays with me and i have jaz in a room she listens good with everything. she doesnt leave her room even if we leave the door open and she doesnt have a leash on. She just cant be around taco. I’m not sure what to do or what’s wrong, we want to train Jaz so she can be part of our family. Any suggestions?

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Erica Bowlen
Erica Bowlen
8 years ago

Thank you! They are both female. Taco is spayed and Jaz is not we are taking her to the vet soon to get her spayed.

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

This is MOST definitely a dominance issue!  Jaz is telling Taco that Jaz is the person in charge of this new house!  And while Taco may not be fighting back, Jaz is going to continue this behavior until she is satisfied that Taco understands the situation. It is your job to help them get on an even keel.  Is Taco a male or female?  Jaz is more likely to settle down with a male (females tend to rule the house and males usually let them).  You need to go back to square one.  Put Jaz in a room where Taco… Read more »