My dog is 1 year old and he is trained to go on his pee…

My dog is 1 year old and he is trained to go on his pee pad (my boyfriend and I live in an apartment). We’ve recently got another dog a few months ago and we have already expected our older dog to be territorial and mark in places around the apartment. That has stopped for a while then all of a sudden he is peeing in places he knows are bad. For example, he peed on our couch while my boyfriend was sleeping on it! I’ve already taken him to the vet and he is fine heath wise. We’ve been keeping a better eye on him to make sure he doesn’t pee where he’s not suppose to and so we can also reward him for when he does go in the right spot. It’s been good for a couple of days. Then today when I came home from work, I took him into the bathroom with me (where we keep his pad) and I waited for him to use the bathroom. I even tried to tell him to “go potty”. Nothing happened for about 10 minutes so I opened the door and we headed to the living room….I see him peeing on our comforter that’s hanging off the couch with his ears down and that “oh no I’m in trouble” look on his face. I don’t know what to do because I feel he knows better than this.

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Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

Is everyone neutered?
And no I vehemently argue that they “know better”. They may know you are not happy but they do not know spite or anger. I don’t recommend training on pee pads because it gets too confusing for pets. As I think is the case for your dogs. How are they supposed to understand “pee in the house, BUT only right in this little spot on this little thing?” How confusing must that be?
You could also try a belly band while you figure out how to manage the bathroom issues.