I recently adopted a dog, she’s a year old Basenji/Lab mix (two very contradicting breeds…

I recently adopted a dog, she’s a year old Basenji/Lab mix (two very contradicting breeds in terms of behavior). I’m having the worst time trying to potty train her. I’ve tried so many different methods but she refuses to go potty outside. She literally has no warning signs. She already paces and sniffs like its her calling in life. She squats after she already starts going. I have no idea when she needs to go. She will not go potty outside. She acts like grass is her personal enemy and will lay on the sidewalk instead. I’ve tried taking her in and out, I’ve tried waiting her out. We walked in the park in hot weather for five hours and she peed on the floor when we came back inside. Training her to go outside is becoming a hassle that’s frustrating and depressing both of us, should I just give up and house train her to use pee pads or litter instead? We just have a hard time getting outside fast enough with her aversion to stairs and the elevator and there’s a power struggle once we’re outside. How do I react to bad behavior without making her scared of me?

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Brittany Herrera
Brittany Herrera
9 years ago

Thank you so much! Those help a lot!

9 years ago

so, you should avoid punishing for toilet behavior in the house.  it sounds like she really just doesn’t know the rules yet.  

these two links are pretty similar and i’d read both.  they should help.



remember, be consistent.  good luck.  housebreaking is the biggest pain in the butt regardless of the age of the dog.

9 years ago

oh, one thing…make sure you’re feeding meals rather than just leaving food out for her. meals will help you to better schedule her toilet runs. try to feed a high quality food, as well.