My dog is a American bull dog sharpei mix
She is 2 years old
She was also…

My dog is a American bull dog sharpei mix
She is 2 years old
She was also a rescue so she has never been in a crate before

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ashlyn hag
ashlyn hag
9 years ago

Thanks a lot we have tried putting food and water in her crate and even putting her toy in there, we have a sturdy metal crate but she uses brutal force to brake it we have tried zip ties and she just brakes those too, but at night when we put her in there she is fine because she knows that we are here and that she is not alone.

Clara Boulton
Clara Boulton
9 years ago

Hi there, The best thing is to never ‘force’ your dog into the crate. The crate should be a safe haven for the dog, somewhere where they are never bothered and hopefully feel most comfortable to sleep in. Is it big enough or her to stand up in? If so try putting her water and food in there. Play with the ball and keep throwing it into the crate to get her used to the idea that every time she goes in it she isn’t going to be locked in and left alone. Especially with a rescue the crate should… Read more »

Clara Boulton
Clara Boulton
9 years ago

Sorry meant my reply as an answer not a comment.