Tx! Of the litters that turned out to be -, did you mean after being…

Tx! Of the litters that turned out to be -, did you mean after being retested at 6 mths? I’m aware of causes of false+, but was wondering what the stats are on kittens who initially test -, then turn out to be + when retested at 6 mths.

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carolyn carlino
carolyn carlino
9 years ago

Thanks for your helpful reply….and for whatever it’s worth, we adopted a kitten last year with FeLV ,which I know is quicker to kill) who died 10mths later-it was my 9 and 6 yr old’s first pet, and while we’re glad to have given her a happy, albeit short life, it ripped our hearts out to have to put her down 2 days before her first birthday and that’s just not a scenario I am willing to replicate for my family. Thanks so much for your help-this is a great service!

Adam Wysocki
Adam Wysocki
9 years ago

Because of the stigmas and misunderstanding related to FIV, even if the litter is negative initially, we always test again at 6 months just to be sure although it’s most likely not necessary. I’ve personally never heard from anyone in rescue about a litter initially testing negative and then testing positive later and I’ve never read any literature describing that scenario either. I think that false positives are the overwhelming issue. I’d be 100% comfortable adopting a kitten that tested negative from a FIV positive mom … but for what it’s worth, I’d also be comfortable adopting an FIV positive… Read more »