Sebastian has blood in his urine and I’m unsure what the cause could be. He’s…

Sebastian has blood in his urine and I’m unsure what the cause could be. He’s about 9-12 months old and he’s never had blood in his urine before. Some of it had this grainy sand like stuff in it. He is NOT showing signs of straining when he pews inside or outside. He’s still a happy cat as far as I can tell but I have no idea what could cause this. We don’t have any money so we can’t take him to the vet but I will give her a call tomorrow. I’m extremely worried because we have two other cats. And blood is always a sign. Please give me advise.

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dakoda peterson
dakoda peterson
9 years ago

Thank you that is very helpful. I will call my vet hospital and describe what’s going on and mention his diet and how to get some medications. We buy friskies for him as wet food and we feed all the cats a mix of everpet dry and new mix origional