He, She, or It is doing absolutely amazing! We will be two weeks tomorrow. Just…

He, She, or It is doing absolutely amazing! We will be two weeks tomorrow. Just wanted to thank everyone for their encouragement and help along this difficult, yet very rewarding journey this little furr ball has taken me on since he magically appeared on my porch just hours old! He now has his eyes fully opened, loves cuddles, is trying to walk around, and is growing bigger, stronger, and smarter every day! Anyone who wishes to help more or even follow him more closely is more than welcome to email me at cherish.yuppa3@gmail.com or look me up on instagram cherish_dawn3 or even text me 7677497680. Thanks again for everything you all have done and everything im sure your yet to do! You guys have been a lifesaver for both me and my little one. I don’t know how we would have done it without you!

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8 years ago

that’s fantastic, Cherish!