Hello, My wife is currently in Kuwait with their family. They have a cat and…

Hello, My wife is currently in Kuwait with their family. They have a cat and they believe it has been bitten by a bug. The cat has started acting very strange; trying to bite it’s tail, breathing very heavily. It’s face and paws have become very red, its sweating too. Because it is Ramadan over there they cannot access any help for the cat for the next 4 hours. Any idea what it could be, and what they can do? They are worried the cat may die.

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Eleven Bestill
Eleven Bestill
8 years ago

The situation is getting worse; it has bitten its tail so much that it is bleeding very badly.

Eleven Bestill
Eleven Bestill
8 years ago

Krista: Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately they cannot access any services for the next 4 hours. I guess until then they will have to hang on.

Eleven Bestill
Eleven Bestill
8 years ago

Does anyone have any advice on how to stop the cat from biting itself / bleeding in the meantime???

Eleven Bestill
Eleven Bestill
8 years ago

Thankfully the cat has been fully vaccinated. It had calmed down a bit, but if it starts again then restraint may be the best option. Thank you for your help and advice. I’ve tried so many places, and this is the only one where I have had positive advice!

Eleven Bestill
Eleven Bestill
8 years ago

They managed to go to the vet after waiting 4 hours. During that time he had calmed down a bit and gone very quiet so no restraint necessary! The vet said it some sort of bite and they gave him a shot. They said all should be fine. Scare over! Thank you for your advice 🙂