Can someone Please help and advise. My 11month bulldog walter woke out of his sleep…

Can someone Please help and advise. My 11month bulldog walter woke out of his sleep tonight and began an intense head bobbing movement- he seemed to be conscious i got him to follow me to his water bowl. This “episode” lasted maybe 3 or 4 mins i give him a small treat and he went back to sleep.. hes just woken and had another bobbing head episode. I read a few pages and give him a lick of sugar and he settled with me tickling his belly… has anyone dealt with this?? Im worried sick.

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Charlotte Allen
Charlotte Allen
9 years ago

Yes that is excactly as he was doing..he seems his usual gorgeous self today

9 years ago

Charlotte, did it look like this?

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Hi Charlotte, I’m also in the UK …we answer questions on here from a lot of countries.

This episode with Walter needs Veterinary attention. We cannot diagnose on here but this could be anything from a seizure to a mini stroke to something lacking in his blood/diet…..and needs professional assessment to find out what is going on. 

I hope Walter is ok and try to keep him calm and quiet until you can get him to a Vet later today hopefully. Good luck. 

Olivia Lance
Olivia Lance
9 years ago

That video is crazy I have never seen anything like that. Sounds like maybe the calcium tablets might help? I hope he gets better!