Hope Dr. Magnifico is reading this message soon as I do not know what to…

Hope Dr. Magnifico is reading this message soon as I do not know what to do. I noticed one of my cats, Dexter, attempting to pee on a cardboard box outside of the litter box. When I approached him he moved only to go to another area and attempt to pee. Having male cats blocked before or with UTI, I knew to keep watch on him. He was laying down and let me brush him for a while and acting okay. I then took a moist tissue and just patted his pee/butt area and a dried piece of poo came off. I thought yeah… that may be the problem because he immediately went to the litter box. After about 5 minutes he left the box without going to the bathroom. Should I take him to the emergency room or could it wait until you open in the morning. If you think I need to take him, which one do you recommend the most. Thanks Sandy Brown

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