Is there any value in tailoring my cat’s diet individually to him versus following a…

Is there any value in tailoring my cat’s diet individually to him versus following a general high protein/low carb diet? If so, what should I consider when creating this diet?

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PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

Tailoring diets usually happen when there is a health issue involved.  Since you didn’t mention one – I assume this is not the case.  There are general guidelines you can find online for creating a raw diet for a cat – and once you understand the basics you can tailor it to what the cat likes and dislikes.  Other than going raw (raw meaty bones and raw meat) I don’t understand how you would ‘tailor’ a diet to an individual cat. Learn more about a biologically appropriate diet for a cat by googling that, also BARF diets for cats, raw… Read more »

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

Ooos, that last sentence is pretty garbled! I meant:” – every year that passes gives us more information and a better understanding of what our pets need to be happy and healthy”