I have a female beagle and she is around 6-8 years old. She’s always been…

I have a female beagle and she is around 6-8 years old. She’s always been a hyper dog, loves to jump up and down the couch/bed for a good snuggle, loves people and would jump on them and during meal time, she would be excited and beg for food. On Thursday evening & Friday all day (today is Saturday at 11am), we noticed something weird/strange going on with her and she’s been acting really weird. Her walks have been slowed (especially up and down the stairs) and she cannot jump up on the bed/couch (she can still jump down). She is eating (I gave her a little piece of chicken on my pizza) and she is peeing but not pooping, and my mom said her tummy is very hard and one of her front leg is acting up… We made an appointment with the vet but it isn’t until next week and right now we are trying to rule out a lot of things like constipation…. We just didn’t want to take her to the emergency because last time something like this happened, we freaked out and took her there, it turns out it was only constipation and we were charged over 500 dollars and as it just being after Christmas and a new semester, we really don’t have the money to take her to the vet unless it’s an actual emergency…

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Yuan Zuo
Yuan Zuo
9 years ago

Thank you very much for your feedback! I will re-make an appointment tonight and hopefully get an Monday appointment. I’ve also bought some pumpkin stuff for her (many people online say that it helps with constipation) and if she doesn’t get better by then, then off to the doctors we go on Monday!

Yuan Zuo
Yuan Zuo
9 years ago

Hey guys, thank you both so much for the feedback. I can proudly say that Abby is getting a lot better as we speak! Abby does have a history of constipation and without even knowing it, she’s been constipated for over a week now, that’s being taken care of with some pumpkin & lots of tummy rubs and walks! Her leg was also hurt earlier in the week because my dad had taken her to a field where she could run but as it being Winter with lots of snow, sometimes the ground is steep without even realizing it and… Read more »

Matthew Kelcourse
Matthew Kelcourse
9 years ago

Hello Yuan.

In addition to Dr M’s response, I can only add you are describing classic symptoms for the early stages of IVDD (of which beagles are a susceptible breed). Up and down stairs, not jumping, etc… are self-evident; but urinating while not defecating is a classic symptom because it requires arching the back/neck and  “pushing/straining” – something a lot more painful than urinating when IVDD is causing back pain.

Since IVDD requires immediate medical attention, I recommend a veterinary visit ASAP. Great if IVDD is ruled out, but any delay could make treatment more difficult.

Good luck,

Dr K