dog vomiting. they did blood work, abdominal x rays and radiographs but found nothing abnormal…

dog vomiting. they did blood work, abdominal x rays and radiographs but found nothing abnormal. His stomach became bloated and he wouldn’t eat much. We have him on a bland diet but it’s a struggle. He is still drinking water, hasn’t vomited and has only pooped once per day since. He’s very lathargic, doesn’t want to go on walks and acts very tired. His breathing also became heavier and the vet said they weren’t sure what it could be but they could do another x Ray to see. Should I bother? Is a chest X-ray or a sonogram worth doing? I’ve been feeding him pumpkin, chicken and rice and the vet prescribed I/d digestive care dog food but he won’t touch that.

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9 years ago

Your dog is in distress and does need help by getting figured out what’s going on and getting it addressed. Since your vet seems to be at a loss, I’d likely seek a second opinion from another vet.