My cat has vomited three times today – it was clear and has gotten yellow…

My cat has vomited three times today – it was clear and has gotten yellow. He’s still drinking water and is active – no lethargy or soreness. Do I need to take him to the ER immediately or should I see if it continues?

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Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

Hello, There are many causes for vomiting and many are acute and transient and do not require a trip to the ER. In general we recommend that you not give your pet any food or water for about 12 hours to let the stomach and gi tract rest. The only concern with this is if there is a chance your cat is dehydrated. If your cat is acting normally and the gums are moist and the skin turgor is normal (this is the amount of skin tent in the area of the shoulders) then they are likely not dehydrated. If… Read more »