My 5.5month old blue heeler hurt her back right paw. I believe it is one…

My 5.5month old blue heeler hurt her back right paw. I believe it is one toe, she lets me press and extend her leg/joints with little reaction. When I move her 2nd toe to her side, or spread her middle two toes is when she lets me know it hurts. No whining or whimpering, she just gently puts pressure on my hand with her mouth.

Injury occurred yesterday, about 36 hours ago. Yesterday she would put the leg down, even ran a bit. Today she has the leg lifted/hanging above the ground. She will use it to jump up onto couch, I’m trying to limit her as much as possible. Other than that she is completely lame in her back leg. Paw has slight swelling. Not much at all.

Please help, I want to do what’s best for her, and am willing to do whatever it takes financially. But I am in a position where I need advice if seeing a vet is necessary, or to monitor and see if there’s improvement. I just don’t have the money to walk into my vets office unless I suspect I need to see a professional.

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8 years ago

I would have her on crate rest for 24-48 hours.  This means no jumping on couches and all outside visits should be on leash for potty needs, then back inside.  If it resolves itself in that time, then it’s just a strain or sprain of some sort.  If it doesn’t, then you need to go to the vet.