We are having some issues with our Shepherd that two vets, an ER vet and dermatologist …

We are having some issues with our Shepherd that two vets, an ER vet and dermatologist couldn’t figure out. My dog went to a dog park and a week later his leg started to not be as strong. The next morning after that his back leg was so swollen!

We’ve have ultrasounds, blood work and X-rays done and nothing. Now it is making his other back leg swollen as well. Please tell me you have experienced this or do you have any recommendations?

We are still awaiting results from the skin biopsy but I was hoping this has happened to someone else.

I feel at such a loss the professions don’t have a clue and I just want to help my baby get better!! ????????. Thank you!

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

I’m sorry to hear about your pup. When I get cases like these I refer to a university vet school. They are the best resource for finding answers when everyone else stumbles. I hope this helps. Good luck

4 years ago

Going to second Dr. Magnifico’s recommendation. Looks like you’re in Washington? Ask your vet to consult with WSU’s vet team, and possibly refer you over there.