We are reaching out to Krista Magnifico, as new fathers to a seven month-old Maine Coon …

We are reaching out to Krista Magnifico, as new fathers to a seven month-old Maine Coon named Goliath. We recently found out that Goliath has severe gingivitis and needs several teeth pulled. While doing x-rays, our vet found that Goliath also has “a large mass within the nasopharyngeal region which is most likely a nasopharyngeal polyp.” Every clinic/animal hospital that we have contacted is either well outside our budget, or will not give us an estimate of the cost of this surgery without first paying for an initial consultation, even though we have labs, notes and x-rays from our vet visits–all of which we can readily share. We found your video on youtube describing this surgery and the cost. We would be happy to arrange travel to you, but because we live in Jersey City, we hope that we could organize to do everything in one trip. Would this be feasible? And if so would you be able to share what scheduling availability you have?

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1 year ago

Dr. Magnifico and I just recently just did a polyp search on a 9 month old Maine Coon kitty… It ended up being chronic rhinitis which took multiple rounds of anti inflammatory, antivirals and antibiotics.
She trust Dr.Berger at Long Island Spay/Neuter… you will have to pay a consult fee no matter where you go, as this gets your foot in the door! Keep us posted-