We have a beautiful beagle boy who is around 10, he has gained weight as he had …

We have a beautiful beagle boy who is around 10, he has gained weight as he had gotten older and is currently on a diet. He has IVDD in his neck. He is still able to move on his own and has no issues with the bathroom however has spasms of pain during which he is very painful. Currently he is on pain killers, steroids and is taking joint supplements and is crated. The vet has also recommended getting an arthritis shot per week however the weekly trip to the vet seems to aggravate him and whenever we get home he has another spasm. We are trying to manage him conservatively for now and I am wondering if we should persevere with his diet while he is recovering and if we should stop taking him to the vet weekly until he is a bit better as these trips seem to set him back. Thank you!

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

I have a ton of information on my blog and YouTube channel on this. I would ask about a muscle relaxant like robaxin and feed a watered down wet food for weight loss to help keep the feces soft and easy to pass. I also talk about adding a laxative if needed.