We have been given a tiny newborn kitten (and it’s littermate) to let nurse off …

We have been given a tiny newborn kitten (and it’s littermate) to let nurse off of our existing mama cat that has other kittens about 3 weeks old. Problem is they are pretty sick. One nursing and seems to be doing better. The other has bloody discharge and maggots (worms) coming out of its bottom. My niece has them but I’m going to take the sickest one and see if there’s anything I can do for it. Not looking good. Has anyone experienced something like this? I feel like at this point it will be me just comforting the kitten until he passes. 🙁

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1 year ago

What did the vet say? I would consider this critical, and I would have gotten both babies to the vet immediately.

Krista Magnifico
1 year ago

For cases like this I tube feed. You have to get nutrition into these kittens. I also make sure there are no fleas. Keep warm and some kittens just don’t have the ability to survive no matter how hard we try. Thank you for helping them.

1 year ago

When there were already blood and maggots at the bottom of one of them it’s possible they already damaged a lot inside… depending on temperature thay can hatch in a few hours and start crawling in every body opening they can find…
Thanks for doing your best!