My overweight calico cat, her name is Raja, has some kind of sickly-sweet smelling dark…

My overweight calico cat, her name is Raja, has some kind of sickly-sweet smelling dark discharge coming out of her butt, i can’t tell if it’s her anus or vagina. The skin around the base of the tail and lower back is also super sensitive. She has just today started showing signs of pain but the discharge has been there for weeks. What’s going on?

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Briana Precord
Briana Precord
8 years ago

She is spayed, about 6 years ago. She is 7. I know I need to bring her to a vet, I just haven’t had the money, but ill have enough soon. I just wanted to know what it might be and if there’s anything I can do in the meantime. I’ve tried to see where it’s coming from but it’s very hard to tell and she is finicky when I try to look. If I had to guess though I would say her anus.

Briana Precord
Briana Precord
8 years ago

She is spayed, about 6 years ago. She is 7. I know I need to bring her to a vet, I just haven’t had the money, but ill have enough soon. I just wanted to know what it might be and if there’s anything I can do in the meantime. I’ve tried to see where it’s coming from but it’s very hard to tell and she is finicky when I try to look. If I had to guess though I would say her anus.

Briana Precord
Briana Precord
8 years ago

I was thinking along the lines of anal sacs issues too, but nothing I looked up described what’s going on. Ill just have to wait until our vet sees her. But anyways, thank you for helping me out, I appreciate it!