What are your recommendations to comfort dogs during thunderstorms and fireworks? My mother-in-laws Dog is petrified …

What are your recommendations to comfort dogs during thunderstorms and fireworks?
My mother-in-laws Dog is petrified over loud noises and hides, shakes, growls, gets very very panicked… etc. You can’t even hold him and try to comfort him when he gets this way. She has tried the thunder blanket and that didn’t work. He’s actually starting to freak out as soon as it gets dark.
Is there any over the counter meds available that would relax him? If so what and how much for a 19lb dog? Can dogs have Xanax or Valium?

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello, I actually offer a lot of advice to clients. First I try a thunder shirt and recommend putting a cage or crate in the darkest quietest part of the house with heavy blankets on top to dampen the noise. I also recommend that you talk to your vet about medications that might help. There is a huge assortment of things you can try. They can discuss lots and lots of options from things like antihistamines to prescription medications like sileo or even diazepam etc. try to use background noise like a tv or radio and keep calm even if… Read more »