What can I do for my cat’s teeth? My cat has yellowed teeth and bad …

What can I do for my cat’s teeth? My cat has yellowed teeth and bad breath. His gumline is also red around some teeth. He’s eating and acting normally, but I’m very concerned about his teeth. It’s difficult to get a veterinary appointment where I live due to the pandemic so I’m only able to take him to the vet a month from now. Until I can take him to the vet, what can I do for a month to help his teeth?

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3 years ago

I’m glad you have an appointment scheduled. It does sound like he needs to be seen by a vet and have his teeth looked at and cleaned. Perhaps your vet can push up your appointment?

Krista Magnifico
3 years ago

Wait for your vet. Keep calling and ask them to keep you in mind if they have a cancellation