What can I give my cat she cant pass a hairball! Help!

What can I give my cat she cant pass a hairball! Help!

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5 years ago

Good morning…
Sorry for a late response. Hoping that your cat finally coughed up that hairball. If not- are you positive it was a hair ball? I only ask because the constant trying to clear her throat of it can be a symptom of other, more severe circumstances. If she is still showing signs of distress and coughing to clear “something” out of her airway, I would get into the vet as soon as you can.

Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello, I’m worried that the hairball might not be a hairball. If you have a long haired cat I recommend daily brushing. Or even twice a year shave downs. If you have a short haired cat you can try OTC cat lax or watered down canned food. I have even heard of people adding petroleum jelly to help lubricate. But I have also seen cats vomiting from intestinal parasites (please only diagnose with your vet don’t use an OTC dewormer as they aren’t safe enough in my opinion. I also talk about increasing fluid intake either by iv fluids or… Read more »