What products, if any, can you recommend for a dog that is urine marking in the …

What products, if any, can you recommend for a dog that is urine marking in the house.

A little background which I think is important.. My grandson adopted 2 dogs a couple of years ago from Tall Tails Rescue about a year apart. They were both very shy with strangers (almost fearful) but have come around somewhat. Back in May my grandson had to move back home and lives in the lower level of the house. Leo and Diesel have adapted well thanks to my daughter who has gotten them into a routine. However, Diesel is urine marking in the house. Right now there is only one recliner downstairs because Diesel chewed the sofa down to the frame. He has also chewed blankets and an area of her wood molding.

I guess I should mention that he is a hound dog (not sure if pure bred) and he is neutered. He has been checked by a vet and there does not appear be anything wrong with him physically. Not sure if this is important but both dogs are by themselves for a good part of the day. My granddaughter lets them out at lunch time before going to college.

Diesel obviously has a behavior problem and probably needs professional help which they cannot afford at this time.

In the interim do you have any suggestions?

Are any of the otc products effective (either plug-ins, supplements, etc.)?

Thank you

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5 months ago

Is he marking or is he emptying his bladder? If the former, that’s a training issue. I would go back to square 1 with housebreaking – leash him to a person when he isn’t crated, and take him out every hour. When he cannot be supervised, he should be crated. Reward the desired behavior and correct any signals that he’s going to mark. With him leashed to a person, he can’t wander off to mark anywhere, and any unwanted behavior should be much easier to prevent. If he’s emptying his bladder, that could be a urinary problem, and he should… Read more »