What’s the best way to do a adding a new dog introduction

What’s the best way to do a adding a new dog introduction

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Eddie Eidinger
Eddie Eidinger
9 years ago

I have a 6 year Pitt bull female and add a 2 year Pitt bull female

Lisa Pfab
Lisa Pfab
9 years ago

Since you have multiple dogs it may be easier, because they are used to other dogs. Do it in a fenced area, I would say outside, with plenty of room. Is the new dog a puppy? That will really change things. Most adult dogs realize a puppy is a puppy and not a threat to the pack dominance order, but that it will grow up in the pack and will fall into the pack order naturally. A full grown dog is a different story. Which ever of your dogs is the dominant one will feel a threat, so you need… Read more »

9 years ago

also what ages are both dogs?

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

More information?

What dog do you have now, breed and male or female?  and what dog are you introducing …again breed..male or female? 

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

I think Eddie has a 6 year old female and wants to add a 2 year old female? You may have problems with 2 Pitbull bitches….I would imagine they can be same breed agressive. You would need to introduce them on neutral ground and let them get to know each other first. Make sure they each have their own space at home if they need it….separate feeding bowls, beds ect. Plus I would make sure you can put them in different rooms if necessary. It depends on the temperament of both the dogs aa to how they will get along.… Read more »