My dog smells like something rotten even after a thorough bath. This began about 2…

My dog smells like something rotten even after a thorough bath. This began about 2 weeks ago and at first I thought he had rolled on something dead while he was outside. I gave him a bath promptly. That seemed to help for about a day. I watched him closely to make sure he wasn’t rolling around on something and he did not. He’s had several baths since, but no change… Still smells horrible after a day or so. He’s always had dandruff, but recently it’s been very excessive. The last time I was bathing him (he usually LOVES bath time) he whimpered the whole time like I was hurting him. What could be going on? Some sort of skin infection? He’s had a mild one before (treated w/ antibiotics) but nothing that ever made him smell like death! Included photos of his “dandruff” (quotations because I’ve never seen anything like this)

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