What’s better a large kennel or a crate to keep your dogs in while your…

What’s better a large kennel or a crate to keep your dogs in while your not home?

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PK Dennis
PK Dennis
9 years ago

I think it depends on how long you are away.  If you expect to be away longer than 8 hours for an adult dog, it is better to have a kennel with access to the outdoors, and a section that is inside and warm — so the dog can get out of the sun, rain, cold.   If on the other hand you only are gone short periods of time then any type of crate will keep your dog(s) safe and comfortable while you are gone.  Get them to love their crate by allowing them to go in and out… Read more »

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
9 years ago

I prefer a crate but I really don’t think it matters.

9 years ago

i’m not sure of a difference…are you talking about plastic vs wire?

both of my dobes preferred plastic vari-kennels.  that’s what my breeder has in her home, so they came to us already adjusted to the cave-like feel of the vari-kennel.

HOWEVER.  if you have a puppy, you’d want to find one that has a barrier you can put in for housebreaking purposes.