I have a beautiful American Bull. Such an amazing, sweet character. A few days ago…

I have a beautiful American Bull. Such an amazing, sweet character. A few days ago, I noticed this distinctive black mole on his paw. He used to give both paws when he gets treats but he only seems to give just one… the one that hasn’t got the mole. It was quite small, but now it seems to be growing. I know for humans, a mole out of nowhere is normally connected to skin cancer. But is it possible for it to be the same case in dogs? I love him to pieces so I am really worried about him.

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8 years ago

melanoma definitely can happen in dogs – in the Doberman world, we see them in albinos quite a bit.  because it’s growing, i’d get him to the vet tomorrow.  better to get on top of it NOW, before it gets huge.