When I go for a run with my 1 year old yellow lab, she wants to stop …

When I go for a run with my 1 year old yellow lab, she wants to stop every 15 seconds to smell and sniff everything! It’s annoying because I just want to run. I take her because she’s ancy to go in the morning and it’s good exercise for her

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

Hello, You each have a different motivation while outside. I take my dogs for a run (they are a year old too), every single day. But I only run after they have had a walk to go to the bathroom and investigate their territory. That way we each get our outside time and preferences for being out there out of our system. The other thing that helps is running with someone who’s dog already understands the routine. Let them learn from another dog. And please whatever you do never get upset or frustrated. Your dogs whole life and purpose is… Read more »

5 years ago

Hi there- I also run with one of my dogs. But we all have a pack walk earlier in the morning, (and another after lunch and dinner)so that bathrooming, smelling, general “romping around”, etc…. are all out of the way. It took us about 5 runs for each of our routes, for him to get the routine down, but basically, he could probably run our route(s) without me if he had to???? If you give a nice 20 minutes or so morning walk to your pup before you head out to run, they should pick up rather quickly that “oh!… Read more »