Why are the majority of Harford County veterinarians charging $400-$650 to spay/neuter a cat or …

Why are the majority of Harford County veterinarians charging $400-$650 to spay/neuter a cat or kitten? Only a few offer under $200 surgeries for what is generally a very simple and quick procedure – I know, as I assist at low-cost spay/neuter clinics. Cecil County, Baltimore County, Baltimore City, Anne Arundel County all offer the same procedure for less than half the going rate in Harford. Several local veterinarians, when clients balk at pricing, are referring them to rescue groups rather than offering a reasonable price for an operation that is ESSENTIAL to the animal’s well-being and longevity, not to mention eliminating unwanted litters.

What can Harford residents do to force changes to make our county more cat friendly and help owners wanting to do what’s right but not at unreasonable cost?

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2 years ago

I’d guess the low cost clinics don’t do pre-op bloodwork? Furthermore, costs of everything have gone WAY up, and shelters/rescues are funded with donations and fundraising efforts while veterinarians have businesses to run and employees to pay.

I find $400 to be quite fair. We paid around $700 for our Doberman’s spay about 6 years ago.