I have a wonderful dog that I care highly about. He has developed a rash…

I have a wonderful dog that I care highly about. He has developed a rash on his belly (sometimes dry/sometimes moist) Now turning a bit scabby and sadly, I can’t afford the fee for him to be looked @ to be told he needs a topical cream.Help

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PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

I doubt the vet is going to tell you that all you need is a topical cream!  You need to figure out what is causing these rashes – not just treat the symptom.  And that usually requires the help of a vet.  Some times wet, some times dry – sounds like this is an ongoing problem and if you have been to a vet in the past and did not get to the root cause, you need to find a different vet. So, make a trip to the vet and get the problem diagnosed.  If the vet recommends Benadryl to… Read more »

Sonya Wood
Sonya Wood
8 years ago

that is what u call a hot spot veryy common in lighter fur colored dogs. At petsmart/walmart there is a cream for hot spots about 5.00$. These spots will get larger if left untreated….. They are also painful. Some antiseptic spray will help work the pain., bactine us what I use. Do not give your companion any type of pill unless a vet has prescribed them. Hope everything works out ok for u and your little friend